Calin Tatomir joined the TechLounge Talks on Innovation Labs and discussed with students about negotiation techniques. Here are some brief ideas:
- To understand the other partner’s needs means to be empathic. Also, you must think why you’ve been refused.
- If a contract is not a win-win one for both parts, it will break.
The qualities of a good negotiator:
A negotiator has to have all the other qualities because his employees will do what he is negotiating for.
Listen – this is one of the biggest qualities of a good negotiator. The one how asks the questions is the one who leads the discussion.
There are different types of negotiations (not financial related):
- Managerial
- Commercial
- Legal
When negotiating, you have to know when to let go and how much. Also, you have to be empathic when establishing the limits.
- Make the difference between requests and needs
- Be prepared to meet the MAN (money, authorization, need) – you have to know what are the needs of the client (not yours) for knowing what to sell.
Strategies: priorities – you have to estimate what objective is more important for the client
- Usually, the one with the money negotiates the first one
- It is important for you to get to negotiate the second goal
Steps for a business meeting
- Prepare the meeting: find out details about the company and the person will be meeting
- When meeting the partner try to discuss also on a personal level
- Follow-up: the details discuss during the meeting should be respected
- Sometimes when negotiating it’s good to have a Bad guy and a Good guy
- Be careful with the body language – some gestures can be misinterpreted as offensive
The meeting place
- You will feel more relaxed and comfortable if the meeting takes place on a familiar setting.
- You will feel as a subordinate if you accept the partner’s location
- If possible, choose a neutral location
- Timing is important for taking maximum advantages
- Choose a round table – better for the atmosphere and all the participants
What to do when meeting a dominant negotiator?
If you know in front of you is a tough guy, take advantage of this: agree with him but also find a solution for you. You can easely see what’s his goal and how can you fulfill your objectives.
When launching a product you have to study the competition, advantages and disadvantages, potential clients, pricing level, distribution models.
Catalin Tatomir is a former CEO of Microsoft Romania (2008). He is currently working for his own consulting company, CCT Consultants.
Photos by Ioana Vasile & Adrian Lulea. Notes for this article Adrian Cristea. Translated and adapted by Madalina Oprisan.