It all started as all good stories start: once upon a time when several incredibile Politehnica teachers and mentors gathered in TechLounge, one tech NGO committed to digital social change in Romania and one international enthusiastic company met and discussed about how wonderful would be to create an innovative environment where students, tech or not, can experiment with product design and development, be coached and have extraordinary mentors with tons of experience and be presented with the opportunity to pitch their product to a wide audience. And several months later, we did it.
Learn more about who we are and what we do:
TechSoup Romania: we are a social entreprise dedicated to providing every NGO in the world with the technical resources to help it do good at its fullest potential. We also teach those NGOs how to use digital tools to do good, in programs like ReStart Romania, Restart in Education or Map4Good. We are committed to support local IT industry, and to facilitate the connection between this industry and the NGOs community in Romania. Learn more about us here: www.techsoup.ro
Tech-Lounge: we are the meeting place for IT and engineering students, developers, creatives, entrepreneurs, and, all-in-all, experts in changing the world. We provide the hard and soft infrastructure for fruitful collaboration between would-be technical entrepreneurs and their future partners, coaches, experts, and investors. We help students to strengthen your leadership abilities in technical projects. Find out what we do here: www.tech-lounge.ro
Microsoft Romania: Microsoft YouthSpark is a companywide initiative designed to create opportunities for hundreds of millions of youth around the world. Through partnerships with governments, nonprofits and businesses, we aim to empower youth to imagine and realize their full potential by connecting them with greater education, employment, and entrepreneurship opportunities. We want to empower youth to change their world.
We are grateful for the support we’ve received unconditionally from our industry and institutional parteners in organizing the project and the Hackathon on the 2nd of March 2013 - they’ve displayed a commitment to the growth of Romanian innovation in IT equaled only by their professionalism:
Adobe Systems Romania, Intel Romania, Ixia, Electronic Arts Romania, RevoSolutions, Ubisoft, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, ANIS, TechAngels, How to Web, Association of Students and Professionals in IT&C
We have been joined by two amazing media partners: DasCloud and Adevarul Tech
Our website was developed by our friends and partners with Good Afternoon, and the graphic concept was developed by Cristian Dita, graphic designer.