Not all Hackathons are created equal, some are more fun and interactive than others. Ours is the best you will find this year.
Aside from the skyrocketing internet, lots of coffee and Red Bull, a lounge and game sections that are waiting for you, what else will be there?
First, the students that submitted an idea, need to pitch that idea – the 1 minute idea pitch we’re calling it, and everybody who submitted one for the registration will get to do that. Why are we doing this? Because ideas don’t get developed if they are not presented to someone: co-workers, team, management, investor, your mum – this is the axioma of the IT business.
Next, everybody will vote the ideas presented – each one will chose 3 ideas that they want to see developed. This is also the moment when people can start volunteering for joining the teams they prefer, if they are there only to develop.
The first 20 of these ideas will present a 3 minutes pitch on their needs and plans in developing: technology, team members, skills. The reason is obvious: because nobody gets to develop an IT product without assessing their needs and presenting their plans to their team members, management, investor, his mum.
And then we get to work and develop like crazy – with the help of on-the-spot mentors that will coach every team – from sharing tasks to presenting tips.
We will get to hear an inspiring speech from a surprise guest speaker, we will organize lots of contests all night long where you might get to win cool computer gear or subscriptions to gym classes to help you with your computer posture
We will play and work, work and play, until 10 am next morning when we will have a final pitch where you will present your work - this time a jury will be there to be impressed (some of the mentors will also be part of the jury).
At 11:30 am on Sunday, we will know which 12 teams enters Innovation Labs.